Species that risk going extinct are referred to as endangered species. Typically, this is due to two main factors: Loss of genetic diversity and habitat loss.
For instance, the sea lion is an animal that is on the brink of extinction. These creatures are marine mammals known as pinniped that reside in the ocean but can stay on land for long periods of time.
Why are Sea Lions going extinct?
1. Human hunting - During the 19th century, sea lions were a popular hunting catch. Typically, colonies of their population would be wiped out because their skin and meat were desired to create tools to sell. Even though the hunting of sea lions has ceased, the sea lion population never fully recovered.
2. Bycatch - When fishing, sometimes, fishermen accidentally capture sea lions when they are really trying to catch other aquatic life. Sea lions are trapped in fishing gear and horrendously killed through grafts, poles, and squeezing traps.
3. Water pollution - When plastic is dumped in the ocean, sea lions are prone to get tangled and suffocating on the plastic. This leads to them being brutally killed.
Why should we care?
1. Disruption of food chain Sea lions are typically eaten by killer whales or orcas. These sea lions are an important food source for these apex predators. If sea lions completely go extinct, killer whales will not have as much of a food supply.
2. Increase in sea urchins Sea urchins are one major food source for these sea lions. If sea lions go completely extinct, sea urchins will rapidly increase and go on to cause damage to kelp beds- by simply eating through them.
How can you help?
1. Reduce plastic waste in our ocean
When we keep our waters clean, healthy, and free of waste- sea lions will truly be able to thrive. When our waters are cluttered with plastic waste, sea lions can suffocate on them and die. So, make sure to properly reuse any plastic items you may have, and if you do need to dispose of plastic- dispose of it properly in a recycling bin.
2. Properly dispose of items with toxic chemicals
Chemicals like PCBs found in electrical equipment need to be disposed of correctly. When E-Waste is simply dumped into the ocean, it can contaminate the water with toxic chemicals. This can lead to cancer in sea lions.
3.Dispose of Fishing Lines Correctly
When fishing equipment is not stored correctly when it's not being used, it can make its way to our ocean and entangle sea lions. They suffocate and sadly die.
Saving our sea lions. (2019, July 22). The University of Sydney. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2019/07/22/saving-our-sea-li ons.html - California Sea Lion. (2022, April 21). NOAA. RetrievedJanuary 11, 2023, from https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/california-sea-lion - https://seagrant.uaf.edu/nosb/papers/1999/WhiteMtn_sealion.html. (n.d.). Steller Sea Lion Decline. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from https://seagrant.uaf.edu/nosb/papers/1999/WhiteMtn_sealion.html - Galapagos sea lion - Galapagos Conservation Trust. (n.d.). Galapagos Sea Lion - Galapagos Conservation Trust. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from https://galapagosconservation.org.uk/wildlife/galapagos-sea-lion/ - Sea Lion Fact Sheet | Blog | Nature | P. (B2S021, June 4). Nature. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/blog/sea-lion-fact-sheet/