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Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Samantha Wang

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

The Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) is a wingless insect species native to the island of Madagascar. It is one of the 20 species of hissing cockroaches in Madagascar.


Adult cockroaches are about 2-4 inches long. They have oval-shaped bodies with a pair of antennae and no wings. Most individuals appear to be brown or black.

Males and females can be easily identified. Males have larger “horns” called tubercles behind the head, while females have smoother heads. Males use their tubercles to fight other males and defend their territories. Females are less aggressive and do not fight.

A male (left) and a female (right) Madagascar hissing cockroach. (Photo by Samantha Wang)


The Madagascar hissing cockroaches live on forest floors, under leaves, logs, and plants. They are detritivores, meaning they feed on dead organisms, having a diet consisting of rotten fruit, plants, and other dead organic matter. The cockroaches are nocturnals as they are more active during the night.


The Madagascar hissing cockroach got its name from the hissing sound they create. The noises are created when the cockroaches push air through spiracles on their abdomen. Hissing is how they communicate, defend themselves, and engage in courtship or mating. Male cockroaches can make different types of hissing noises, while females only hiss when disturbed or under pressure. The male cockroaches also hiss a lot when they fight.

The cockroaches are ovoviviparous animals. Females carry their eggs in their bodies by creating an egg case called ootheca, and they give birth to living young, also known as nymphs when they hatch in the female’s body. A female cockroach can give birth to 30-60 nymphs at once.

The Madagascar hissing cockroaches go through three stages of life: egg, nymph, and adult. Mating occurs year-round and the nymphs molt six times until they reach maturity in seven months; freshly molted individuals can be easily identified due to their white appearance, indicating that their exoskeleton hasn’t hardened. The average lifespan of the Madagascar hissing cockroaches is 2-5 years.

Additional Information and Significance

The Madagascar hissing cockroach has gained popularity as pets because they are relatively easier to take care of and maintain. They are also commonly used for educational purposes because they don’t bite, don’t fly, are odorless, and are usually calm.

The Madagascar hissing cockroach plays an important role in the nutrient cycling process by breaking down waste materials and restoring them back into the environment. Additionally, they are food to many animals including snakes, birds, lizards, and mammals.

Work Cited

“Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.” University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Entomology, Accessed 6 Nov. 2022.

“Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches.” Entomology at the University of Kentucky, Accessed 6 Nov. 2022.

“Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.” National Geographic, Accessed 6 Nov. 2022.

“Madagascar Hissing COckroach.” North Carolina Museum of Natural Science. Accessed 9 Nov. 2022.




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